Safety First!

Did you enjoy our Day In The Life Of A Fun Expert blog? Well if you did, then get ready to be introduced to another member of our fantastic team! At The Fun Experts we're always sharing our FUN-tastic Range Of Equipment and how they can transform your event but we know that for a lot of you, health and safety comes first. So today I've enlisted the best person for the job, Operations Manager Billy, to give insight into his role at The Fun Experts and how he helps to ensure your events are held to the best level of safety possible. 


1. I guess I'll start off by asking you a little bit about yourself and what you did before working at The Fun Experts?

Well, I've had a long list of job titles. I was born in Scotland, in a small village in Kilmarnock and since then I've been all over. I served 22 years in the armed forces, worked 8 years in the Middle East,  Afghan and Iraq and held positions as a project director, general manager and a number of senior appointments for different companies all before working at The Fun Experts.

2. So how long have you been Operations Manager at The Fun Experts and what does your typical day in the office look like?

In October it will be three years since I joined the team as Operations Manager and every day is different. Day to day, I manage the logistics team and oversea that all event details have been well organised between sales and logistics, for example travel, the site itself, hotels if necessary and so on. Occasionally, I'll go along to an event to do an audit and ensure everything is being run smoothly by the team.

3. What Health & Safety measure are in place for The Fun Experts staff to follow at an event?

For every event, there's a Method Statement that outlines tasks that need to be carried out before, during and after an event to ensure every customer's complete safety. This includes ensuring equipment has been cleaned and risk assessments are in place, Fun Experts are aware of access to the site, work areas are always supervised, staff are dressed suitably and that during set up and pack down Manual Handling methods are followed. 

To read the full Method Statement follow the link Here.


4. And what steps do The Fun Experts take to ensure all equipment is safe and of top quality?

Well, every piece of kit has its own Risk Assessment, which all members of staff are aware of and these cover hazards and the possibility that they might occur. All kit is PIPA tested annually and electrical equipment, cables and such, are PAT tested biannually and we also have £10 million public and employee liability insurance from a specialist provider to ensure all customers and staff are covered.

5. What do you think sets The Fun Experts apart from its competitors?

The team. You have to be extroverted and have a can-do attitude. Our Events Team show willing and really embrace their events, it's not all about coming away with a bit of money in their back pocket, they really give every event their all.

6. And finally, what is the best part about working at The Fun Experts?

The challenges and the variety of them that the job brings is what makes the day interesting. Also introducing procedures that can make the company the best and seeing the business grow the way it has done since covid hit, I think we can go even further as well.


Here at The Fun Experts, we understand the importance of Health & Safety and we hope that this chat with Billy has given you the reassurance you need to get your ideal event booked in with us and the good news is, you can get started today by contacting us Here.