Our Top Exhibition Centre Picks!

January. It's freezing outside. It rains every day. Everyone is counting down the days until summer fun. Businesses are brainstorming ways to meet their new year goals. So may we present  an idea to you... Exhibitions! Almost always held indoors (result!), the perfect the way to bring awareness to your brand and help you to create new relationships with others in your industry and most importantly... they're FUN (Especially when the Fun Experts are involved)! So may I introduce to you some of our favourite venues that are holding events you might want to get involved with this year...

Excel London

One of London's most popular Exhibition centres, the Excel opened in 2000 in an area famous for it's history of the Royal Docks. Since it's opening, the venue has hosted up to 400 events per year, including the Olympic games back in 2012, for over 40,000 exhibiting companies. The Excel is also home to Confex, an Exhibition specifically for people in the events industry to discover suppliers, venue hires and services that could inspire future events. Our Directors of Fun, Sunny and Jim attended the three day exhibition in 2022 and had a fantastic time and are already looking forward to this year's.


NEC Birmingham

Since Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II opened the NEC in 1976, the centre has since grown massively with a total of 18 exhibition halls and now being the UK's number one venue for Exhibition events. One of the most notable events we provided fun for at the NEC was a manager's conference hosted by a top secret special guest. Our Fun Experts headed there the morning of to set up a variety of Inflatables such as the Assault Course, Hungry Hippos and Human Table Football that were a great way for all of the managers in attendance to go head to head and break the ice.


Manchester Central

For the last 140 years, this venue (once Central Station) with it's vaulted arches and station clock has been an iconic feature of Manchester City Centre. Surrounded by a lively scene with a whole host of restaurants, bars and hotels and home to a number of spaces available for conferences, training seminars and business expos, Manchester Central is a fantastic space for businesses to promote their brand and make new connections. We can confirm this from first hand experience bringing the fun to Exhibition stands at Manchester Central, for example Questex hired a variety of games such as our Pixel Play and Air Hockey Table at one of their Exhibitions and they went down an absolute treat.


If you've got an Exhibition coming up at any venue, we'd love to provide some fun for your stand and help you stand out from the crowd. Check out our full range of Exhibition and Promotional equipment Here and Download the Guide for all things fun!