Our 100% NPS Score!

Last week the Fun Experts over at Sunshine Event's received an NPS score that was a full 100% which is an amazing reflection of the standard of service I and Sunny bring day in day out and have built into the very ethos of being a Fun Expert! 

NPS stands for Net Promoter Score, is a tool that helps companies to measure the overall experience their customers have had when dealing first-hand with their employees. Since its adoption within the business world, it is the primary measurement tool used by organisations (including our very own The Fun Experts) across the globe.


The Fun Experts over at The Fun Experts use their the Customer Sure measuring metric that is updated live on their website for customer viewing. This feedback allows for them to analyse the way in which they operate when out on events and allows for them to not only act accordingly depending on their customer's feedback but also to add an extra level of transparency from a B2C relationship.

Since they began hosting live reviews on their Customer Sure back in 2013, over 2000 of their clients have completed feedback, meaning The Fun Experts has held an average NPS of 87%!. As you can see below, the Fun Experts at The Fun Experts are a world-class organisation beating the likes of big names like Apple and Amazon when it comes to their customer service. 

Sunny and myself are extremely proud to see the Fun Experts at The Fun Experts always going above and beyond for our clients,  but not only this, we can see first hand from the customers feedback just how well this is reflected in their work when out on events across the country.